
  • 规格说明:智能对话娃娃英文版Candy剧本-对话娃娃机芯厂家批发
  • 产品数量:1000000个
  • 规格说明:智能对话娃娃英文版Candy剧本-对话娃娃机芯厂家批发


智能对话娃娃英文版Candy剧本-对话娃娃机芯厂家批发 操作说明: 1. 工作电压:3V 2. 喇叭尺寸:57 3. 声音大小: 80dB-110dB 4. 塑料成分: ABS 材料 5. 开关 KEY1: 35CM 导线,控制机芯复位,一般装在成品娃娃手上或娃娃胸前 6. 开关 KEY2: 装在电池盒上,控制电源开关和机芯功能. 分三种模 式,如下: A. 中间档位: 电源关(OFF) B. ON1 档位: Play (对话模式), 适用于家里/办公室等比较安静环 境,对话距离:20cm-1m 保持 40-50 cm 使用效果最佳 C. ON2 档位: Try Me (演示模式), 适用于商场/展览馆等比较吵杂 的环境,对话距离:1 cm -10 cm, 保持 1-3 cm 使用效果最佳 7. 按照剧本设定的问句提问,务必等回答内容完华后再进行新的提 问 8. 使用时,需注意保持语言清晰,语速及音量适中 9. 同一时间只能和一个人互动对话 10. 声音播放不正常或出现杂音时电池电量低,请更换新电池 此产品可以通过 3C 机构认证 开机语:Hello! I’m Candy Candy, Nice to meet you! 一. Hello! 1. 你好!认识(见到)你我真高兴,我的朋友。 Hello! I'm so glad to see you, my friend! Nice to meet you! 2. 我的朋友你能来看我真的是太好了。 My dear friend! It's so fantastic you come to see me! 3. 嗨~我是小甜甜,我的名字很甜吧~! Hi ~ I’m Candy Candy, isn’t my name pretty? 二. Where are you from? 1. 我是地球人,你看不出来吗?呵呵~~ I am from earth ,Can’t you see that? Ha-ha 2. 这个问题我要好好想一想,恩~我是偷偷从家跑出来玩的。 Shzzz…It’s a secret, But~ I've sneaked out from home to play outside. 3. 我来自美国,那里有很多歌星,所以我的歌声也很不错的哦~ I’m from The United States, And they have a lot of singers there,I can sing well to. 4. 我从哪里来不重要,能和你成为朋友才是最重要的。 It's not important where I come from. The most important thing is that I’m you friend. 三. What kind of food do you like? 1. 我喜欢吃水果、蔬菜、还有牛奶,妈妈说这些都可以帮助我长身体。 I like fruits, vegetables and milk. My Mami said that they’ll help me groin big and strong. 2. 我最喜欢吃冰激凌了,但是妈妈不让我吃太多,对牙齿不好。 My favored food is icecream, but My Mami doesn't like to give me much because it's not good for my teeth. 3. 我喜欢吃中国菜~,它是我最喜欢吃的食物啦~~ I like to eat Chinese food, it’s my favorite~~ 4. 法国大餐很不错,就是有点贵了还是来一个炒河粉我们一起吃吧~~! French food is very good and very expensive, let's order fried rice and fried noodle and we’ll share. 四. Do you have any hobbies? 1. 我喜欢游泳,夏天的时候我和爸爸经常去游泳的。 I like to go swimming. My father and I go swimming very often during the summer. 2. 滑雪是一个很刺激的运动,冬天一到我们就要去雪山玩啦~ Skiing is very exciting. We'll go to the mountain to play when winter comes. 3. 我养了一只小狗,它很听话很聪明,难道你不喜欢小狗吗? I have a little puppy. He is very obedient and very smart. Do you like puppies too? 4. 我很喜欢唱歌~,我可是家里的小歌星。 I like singing I’m the best singer in my whole family. 5. 读书是一个很有意思的事,可以让我了解很多知识。 Reading is very interesting I can learn a lot from reading. 五. You are so beautiful! 1. 谢谢夸奖,你也很漂亮啊~!呵呵 Thank you, you are beautiful too. he he~~ 2 .当然啦~我是小甜甜,我是又漂亮又的~ Of course ~ I am Candy candy, I’m beautiful and cute~ 3. 这已经是人人皆知的事情了,不需要你重复 Of course ~ Everyone knows it,There’s no need to say it again 六. Tell me a story. 1. Three little kittens Three little kittens lost their mittens, and they began to cry, "Oh mother dear, we sadly fear our mittens we had lost" "What! Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie." "Meeow, meeow, meeow, then you should have no pie." The three little kittens they found their mittens, And they began to cry, "Oh mother dear, see here, see here" "our mittens we have found." "what?found your mittens, and you are good kittens "Then you shall have some pie" 曾经,三只小猫弄丢了它们的手套,它们开始大哭, “噢,妈妈,我们恐怕是弄丢了我们的手套。” “什么!弄丢了手套,你们这几个淘气的小猫,今天没有饼给你们吃了。” 猫儿难过的叫起来“喵,喵,喵”。“今天没有饼给你们吃了。” 曾经,三只小猫弄丢了它们的手套,它们开始大哭, “噢,妈妈,你看那里,就在那。” “噢,妈妈,我们找到手套了。” “什么?手套找到了?你们是好猫咪。” “你么可以吃饼饼了” 2. Little Miss Muffet Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey; Along came a spider, And sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away. 小姑娘玛菲特坐在土墩上吃奶酪, 这时来了一只蜘蛛 蜘蛛坐在她的身旁把她吓跑了... 3. This Little Piggy This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed at home. This little piggy had roast beef, And this little piggy had none. And this little piggy went "Wee! Wee! Wee!" all the way home. 这只小猪猪去了超市 这只小猪猪待在家里 这只小猪猪吃了烤牛肉 这只小猪猪一分钱都没了 然后这只小猪猪就哭了 呜呜呜呜,一路哭到了家里 4. Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜,彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。 如果彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜,那么彼德派柏捏起的泡菜在哪儿? 5. This old man This old man, he played one, He played knick knack with his thumb, With a Knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played two, He played knick knack with my shoe, With a Knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played three, He played knick knack on my knee, With a Knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. 老人啊老人弹一曲 在我的窗外敲一曲 用玩具棍儿奏一曲 送给狗儿骨头一根 老人啊老人蹒跚回家里 老人啊老人弹两曲 在我的脚边敲两曲 用玩具棍儿奏两曲 送给狗儿骨头一根 老人啊老人蹒跚回家里 老人啊老人弹三曲 在我的树旁敲三曲 用玩具棍儿奏三曲 送给狗儿骨头一根 老人啊老人蹒跚回家里 七. Sing a song 《if you happy 》 《one two three four 》 《Jingle Bells》 《A B C D》 That's great! 1. 谢谢,我会更加努力的。Thank you, I will try my best next time 2. 我的歌声可是最好听的哦~!I’m the best singer 3. 下次我们一起唱歌吧~ Let's sing together next time. I don't think so. 1. 那我再多练习练习吧 Then, I well practice more! 2. 这都是因为你不会欣赏音乐。That's just because you don't know how to appreciate good music 八. Are you hungry? 1. 是啊,我现在饿了,你有没有好吃的啊 Yes, I’m so hungry! Do you have some really good food to eats. 2. 我可不想吃成大胖子,还是少吃点东西吧。 But I don’t want to get fat , I’m not hungry. 3. 刚刚吃过了,如果你给我一些好吃的食物我还可以吃。 But I just eat, if you give me something really good to eat, I might be able to eat more. 4. 我从来都不拒绝美食,来点草莓蛋糕吧~ I can never say no to delicious food, please bring me some strawberry cake! 九. May I kiss you? 1. 我已经有男朋友了,他会很不高兴的。 Sorry, I have a boy friend. He will be so angry if he find out. 2. 看看周围的人太多了,被人家看到我会不好意思的。 But there too many people here, and I’m really shy. 3. 小心我爸爸看到会踢你屁屁哦~!嘿嘿~~ You better be careful, My Daddy will be so angry if he see this. 4. 想得到我的香吻吗?快去吧脸洗干净吧~嘻嘻~ You really want me to kiss you? Why don’t’ you go wash your face first…he he 十. Can you burp? 1. 我可是淑女,怎么能做这样的事呢! I’m a lady, how can I do something like that? 2. 我是有礼貌的孩子!~打嗝是很没有礼貌的事,我不会做的 I am a very polite girl. Burping is so rude and I will never do that. 3. 你先来一个我听听,呵呵呵~~ You go first, you teach me how to burp, ha-ha. 十一. When is your birthday? 1.难道你要送我生日礼物吗?那今天就是我的生日。 If you going to send me a birthday gift? Then, today is my birthday. 2.我生日的时候你会来看我,为我庆祝生日那就太好了。 I’ll be so Happy if you could come to see me and celebrate my birthday! 3.有你在我的身边,每天都比过生日还开心幸福。 For me, if you’re by my side everyday is happier then my birthday. 4.明天我就过生日了,你要记得多准备点礼物哦~! Tomorrow is my birthday, please give me a lots of good gift. 十二. Good Byte! 1.好的,我去睡觉了,你也要去休息哦~! Ok! I'll go to sleep now , you also need a rest. 2.明天见吧我的朋友,记得来看我 See you tomorrow my friend, remember to come to see me! 3. 一天又过去了,美好的时光总是过得这么快,拜拜~ Another day has gone. Good time always flies so fast, bye-bye. Rejection 拒识 1. 你在说什么? What are you talking about? 2. 你说的是标准英语吗? Did you say that in English? 3. 请你说清楚些 Can you talk clearly, please? 4. 你在说话吗? Hello! Are you saying something? Auto- shut down 休眠 1. 再见~ Bye-bye, see you … 2.没有人在这里,我也去睡觉了。 Hamm no one’s here.I will go to sleep now. 3.你在哪里?都跑出去了,我也休息去了。 Where are you? you ran away. I'll go rest too. 智通语音识别技术有限公司简介 智通语音识别技术有限公司是一家专业从事语音识别、语音合成业务的电子科技及贸易一体化公司。在语音技术开发和应用方面,我们已有10年多的历史,是国内包括香港,台湾同行业中能力最强、经验最丰富的专业公司之一。公司总部位于中国科技创新前沿深圳,公司产业格局是,依托深圳电子制造业成本优势加上深圳科技创新产品应用的前瞻性优势,立足深圳服务全国,走向世界。公司营销中心华中智通立足华中,辐射长三角经济圈,华北广大城市群,服务全国,产品走向世界。 深圳市智通语音识别技术有限公司开创了语音识别芯片应用在玩具领域的市场。我公司可根据客户的需求,提供产品的解决方案; 为特定市场的产品,设计新功能新应用,为品牌企业实现产品创新。 提供完整智能对话玩具机芯,为玩具公司提供一条龙服务。 华中智通语音识别技术有限公司,立足华中,为智通产业布局打下坚实的基础。为智通市场前端营造良好的营销环境,同时为更好的服务全国客户打下坚实的基础。 我们希望能和广大的玩具企业紧密合作,通过技术创新,为玩具企业提供更多的产品附加值。 业务范围 1、 智能对话娃娃机芯,智能对话毛绒玩具机芯的销售(中文,英文,西文,俄文四大主流语种标准品,其它语音也在不断的开发中)。 2、 语音识别、语音合成应用的产品开发、技术服务。 3、 为客户提供玩具IC,各种玩具语音芯片开发设计OTP烧录相关配套服务。 公司产品 语音识别类芯片及方案 : 1、 语音对话玩具(娃娃、毛绒动物、卡通动漫玩偶、塑胶玩具、婴幼玩具) *大容量(功能丰富包含:故事、歌曲、诗歌、笑话、儿歌、童谣、绕口令、英语、算术、智力问答、时钟、闹钟、等) *多词汇(命令)、多层次(更符合自然对话特点) 语音合成类芯片 : 动物叫IC,火车声IC,叮咚声IC,水泡声IC,音乐IC,儿歌IC,圣诞歌曲IC,语音OTP芯片等语音IC开发设计。掩膜语音IC. 我们的理念 以客户需求为中心,品质,价格,速度,创新。为客户创造市场价值,和客户双赢。 联系方式: 业务经理:姚宗仁 业务QQ:83264693 业务直线:15671098520 公司地址:中国深圳武汉江汉区发展大道164号武汉科技大厦16层