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熊猫宝贝 剧本 操作说明: 1. 工作电压:3V 2. 喇叭尺寸:57 3. 声音大小: 80DB--110DB 4. 塑料成分: ABS 材料 5.开关 KEY1: 35CM 导线,控制机芯复位,一般装在成品娃娃手上或娃 娃胸前 6. 开关 KEY2: 装在电池盒上,控制电源开关和机芯功能. 分三种模式,如下: A.中间档位: 电源关(OFF) B.ON1 档位: Play(对话模式),适用于家里/办公室等比较安静的环境, 对话距离:20CM-1M, 保持 40-50CM 使用效果最佳 C.ON2 档位: Try Me(演示模式),适用于商场/展览管等比较吵杂的 环境,对话距离:1CM--10CM, 保持 1-3CM 使用效果最佳 7.按照剧本设定的问句提问,务必等回答内容完华后再进行新的提问 8.使用时,需注意保持语言清晰,语速及音量适中 9.同一时间只能和一个人互动对话 10.此产品可以通过 3C 机构认证 一、.开机语:(与使用者打个招呼) I. Starting-up Greeting to the User 你好,我是你的好朋友熊猫宝贝,你来和我玩,我好高兴,我们会成为好伙伴的。 Hello! I’m your friend, panda baby. I feel so glad you come here playing with me. We will make good companions. 二、使用者问句 II. User’s Questions 1. 你好 1. How are you? l 你好,你真是个有礼貌的好孩子,我好喜欢你啊。 l I’m fine. You are really a polite child. I love you so much! l 嗯,我非常好,你也好吧?你今天高兴吗? l Fine, and you? Are you happy today? l 哦,我不太好,你有好久都不理我了,让我感到很失落。你这几天不高兴吗? l Well, I’m not so good. It’s a long time you have ignored me, which made me feel so lost. Aren’t you happy these days? 2、你喜欢吃什么? 2. What kind of food do you like? l 我喜欢吃竹子,最喜欢吃箭竹了,而且我的胃口很好哦,除了吃就是睡,所以身体棒棒的,嘿嘿。 l I like bamboo, especially the arrow bamboo. Besides, I have a very good appetite. I just keep eating or sleeping, so I’m so fit. Tee-hee! l 嘿嘿嘿,我特别喜欢吃竹子,每天要吃几十公斤的竹子,所以你看我长得胖乎乎的,人见人爱,嘿 嘿 l Tee-hee-hee! I like bamboo very much, and eat dozens of kilograms of them every day. So, you see, I am so chubby, and everybody will like me when they see me. Tee-hee! 3、我们一起玩吧 3. Let's play together l 好啊好啊,我最喜欢玩了,你和我玩儿,我好开心啊。 l Great! I love playing the best, and I am so glad you can play with me! l 好啊好啊,我们一起做游戏吧,你把我藏起来,再把我找出来,嘿嘿 l Great! Let’s play games together. You hide me and then find me out. Tee-hee! 4. 讲故事吧 4.Tell me a story. l 好啊,有一天记者采访熊猫:你这一生有什么愿望吗?熊猫说:我有两个理想!一是有空的话去看看中医, 治治我的黑眼圈,二是就想照张彩色照片! l OK. One day, a journalist interviewed the panda, “Do you have any wishes in your life?” The panda answered,“Yes, I have two wishes! One is that I would go to see a Chinese medicine doctor to cure my dark pouches when I have time off. The other is that I would have a color photo!” l 有一天小熊猫从学校回家,郁闷地对妈妈说:“现在班上的女生都不理我了。” 妈妈不解地问:“为什么 呢,她们不是老夸你的“墨镜”酷吗?”小熊猫说:“今年流行红色的隐形眼镜,她们全都追小白那兔崽 子去了。” 好笑吧?哈哈哈哈, l One day, the little panda came home after school and complained to his mother, “The girls in my class all ignore me now.” Mother wondered, “Why? They have always been complimenting you on your cool ‘dark glasses’, haven’t they?” The little panda explained, “But it’s popular to wear red contact lens this year. So they all take to the bastard of Little White.” Isn’t it funny? Ha-ha-ha! 5、.你真可爱 5. You are so lovely! l 谢谢夸讲,我也发现我很可爱,全世界的孩子们都认识我,他们都喜欢我,我想我的身材很好 看是吧,呵呵。 l Thank you! I think so, too. The children around the world all know about me and love me. That’s must because I am in a very good shape, I guess. Ha-ha! l 你也很可爱啊,你这么聪明又有礼貌,我觉得你也很可爱啊。 l You are lovely, too! You are so smart and polite, so I think you are also lovely! 7.真聪明 7.You are clever! l 嗯, 谢谢夸奖,谢谢夸奖,大家都说我又聪明又可爱,我还要继续努力。 l Well, thank you so much! Everybody says that I am both smart and lovely. But I still need to improve. l 哦,谢谢夸奖,你也很聪明,只要好好学习,你也会象我一样成为名人的, l Really? Thank you so much! You are also very smart. If you keep studying hard, you will become a celebrity as me one day! l 嘿嘿,你都说得我不好意思了,谢谢夸奖, l Tee-hee! You are really making me embarrassed. Thank you very much! 8、.再见 8.Good-bye! l 再见,我的朋友,想我的时候就来找我吧,我是你的好朋友。拜拜! l Good-bye, my friend. Come to see me when you miss me. I’m your good friend, always! Bye-bye! l 怎么就说再见了?时间过得好快,又到了我独自寂寞的时光了,再见吧,朋友,我会想你的。 l Why, it’s time for good-bye now! How time flies! It’s time again for my staying alone. Good-bye, my friend. I will miss you. 三、拒识(无法识别): III. Rejection of Recognition /Failure of Recognition: l 你带我去森林吧,我好想念我的家乡,那里有好多好多竹子。 l Can you take me to the forest? I miss my hometown very much! There are so many bamboos there. l 嗬嗬,我是你的好朋友熊猫宝贝! l Ha-ha! I’m your good friend, panda baby! l 不好意思,我有点耳背,没听清楚你说的话。 l Sorry, I’m a little deaf and failed to get what you said. l 你再说一遍吧 l Can you repeat what you said? 四.当连续两分钟无人说话时 IV. Under the condition that no one is speaking for two minutes l 嘿~嘿!你去哪了?你在偷吃好东西么?我饿了,给我也拿点吃点的来吧 l Tee-hee! Where have you gone? Are you stealing tasty food? I am hungry. Would you take me some too? l 喂,喂,怎么没人理我,我在这儿呢,谁来陪我玩啊? l Hey, anybody there? I’m here! Who can play with me? l 你走了吗?不和朋友打声招呼就走了,可是不礼貌的。 l Are you gone? It’s very rude to leave without telling your friend! 六.识别器休眠前: VI. Before the dormancy of the recognizer l 没人理我是吗?没关系,我也累了,想睡觉啦,想我的时候叫醒我就是了,(呼噜声) l Nobody pays attention to me, right? All right! I am also tired and want to sleep now. Wake me up if you think of me. (snoring) l 录音红色的部分 智通语音识别技术有限公司简介 深圳市智通语音识别技术有限公司是一家专业从事语音识别、语音合成业务的电子科技及贸易一体化公司。在语音技术开发和应用方面,我们已有10年多的历史,是国内包括香港,台湾同行业中能力最强、经验最丰富的专业公司之一。 深圳市智通语音识别技术有限公司开创了语音识别芯片应用在玩具领域的市场。我公司可根据客户的需求,提供产品的解决方案; 为特定市场的产品,设计新功能新应用,为品牌企业实现产品创新。提供完整智能对话玩具机芯,为玩具公司提供一条龙服务。 我们希望能和广大的玩具企业紧密合作,通过技术创新,为玩具企业提供更多的产品附加值。 业务范围 1、 智能对话娃娃机芯,智能对话毛绒玩具机芯的销售(中文,英文,西文,俄文四大主流语种标准品,其它语音也在不断的开发中)。 2、 语音识别、语音合成应用的产品开发、技术服务。 3、 为客户提供玩具IC,各种玩具语音芯片开发设计OTP烧录相关配套服务。 公司产品 语音识别类芯片及方案 : 1、 语音对话玩具(娃娃、毛绒动物、卡通动漫玩偶、塑胶玩具、婴幼玩具) *大容量(功能丰富包含:故事、歌曲、诗歌、笑话、儿歌、童谣、绕口令、英语、算术、智力问答、时钟、闹钟、等) *多词汇(命令)、多层次(更符合自然对话特点) 语音合成类芯片 : 动物叫IC,火车声IC,叮咚声IC,水泡声IC,音乐IC,儿歌IC,圣诞歌曲IC,语音OTP芯片等语音IC开发设计。掩膜语音IC. 我们的理念 以客户需求为中心,品质,价格,速度,创新。为客户创造市场价值,和客户双赢。 联系方式: 业务经理:王涛 业务QQ:444598341 王涛业务直线:13798446673 公司地址:中国深圳福田天安数码城创新科技广场A座6层